Mina's Writing Corner - "The 3 Warriors" (unfinished)

Hi, guys! I've been writing a story called "The 3 Warriors"! "The 3 Warriors" story I wrote is about 3 princesses who originate from- this might be kind of weird- gems. But one day, all 3 princesses were bored of doing things in the castle so they snuck out (they snuck because they were NOT supposed to leave the castle until thier moms, the queens, said so). Will they be caught? It's not finished, but I hope to finish it soon! 

The 3 Warriors (Intro) 

Narrator: 3 trillion years ago in space, 3 stones lied: Ruby, Sapphire, and Topaz. Then after a few years, they all cracked in half revealing a blinding light that, when it cleared, showed 3 babies. Their names were: Rubyana, Sapphirinia, and Topaznia. When 10 years passed, they all were princesses living in castles, all of that stuff when you’re a princess (such a pampered life…). Well, they all went their separate ways destined for them when they were 7 years old. THIS is the kind of castle destined for Rubyana:

Quite beautiful, don’t you think? 

Now, Topaznia on the other hand…

It’s very guarded….I guess it’s…..

very safe? “Is that a COMPLIMENT?”

Topaznia yelled, obviously very agitated.

Now, um, let’s go to Sapphirinia’s castle, 


So, this is what it looks like.

I would probably say that she is the most

prim and proper of the group…..*sigh..*

(‘cause, I mean, like, LOOK at that!)

The 3 Warriors (The Story (VERY long))

Chapter 1:Bored

Topaznia’s Castle (inside) (Topaznia): Ugh, I’m SO bored, is there like, ANYTHING else I can do that’s NOT playing hide-and-seek, ball in a cup, ring toss, tablet, or other stuff???

Topaznia’s Butler 1:No, Your Majesty, but I can get you some tea. Would you like some?

 Topaznia:Ok…Go get me a tea…..

Topaznia’s Butler 2: Um, excuse me, Your Majesty, would you like a blanket?

Topaznia: Sure, and after that, can you PLEASE not disturb me until….(hmm…)it’s my birthday?

Topaznia’s Butler 2: *knock**knock* Your Majesty? May I come in? (outside of her room) I have the blanket. Your favorite color with yellow bumble bees on it.

Topaznia: Just…just..*sigh* give me it from the slot in my door,*sniff*okay?

Topaznia’s Butler 2: Yes, Your Majesty.*bow*

Topaznia: (Ha! I tricked them with my crying trick!)

Narrator: So, she opened her closet doors that revealed…..

Oh, and by the way, Topaznia’s room looks like…..THIS!

Now, for Rubyana’s room….

It looks VERY quaint!

And I BET you think Sapphirinia’s room looks VERY fancy and if you said that, you’re right! Well, uh, just the bed’s fine right?


She put on her boots & mask then she stuck her dagger in her bag that she occasionally takes with her on special journeys, like this one.

Chapter 2: Outside of the Castles

Topaznia: *fwip!* (Topaznia puts the hoodie over her head that she has on her black cloak.) 

Topaznia, Rubyana, and Sapphirinia: Phew! At least NOBODY knows that I escaped the castle! (Topaznia, Rubyana, and Sapphirinia remember their mom’s words to them: NEVER leave this castle until I say so. I do NOT want you getting hurt, my little angel.)

The 3 princesses in unison: Who are YOU? *gasp!* I remember you!

Rubyana: Hello, wonderful colleagues, my name is Rubyana and I am very pleased to meet you.

Sapphirinia: (Very royal voice) It’s a pleasure to meet you again, my apprentices. Pardon, actually, have we met before?

Topaznia: Uh-huh. We did! When we were 7 years old! (The story Topaznia told)

So, when we were young, like 7 years old, we went our separate ways, remember?

The tri path? Red, yellow, and blue? It was like in some glowy purple, pink, and blue place (She’s talking about space but she doesn’t know what it is.).

Sapphirinia: Um, excuse me, very sorry to interrupt, but, don’t you mean space? Weren’t we born in SPACE?

Rubyana: Um, duh, Sapphirinia, if we were in space then HOW COULD WE BREATHE??

Topaznia: Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah! HOLD it guys! I don’t even KNOW what this “space” is! Can you at LEAST EXPLAIN it?

Sapphirinia: *Ahem.* So, space is a place where there is a vacuum that sucks up all of the air so you can’t breathe. It’s not called space because it’s empty because it’s actually not! It has stars, asteroids, comets, constellations, and some other stuff I, or YOU, don’t even KNOW about! So, if you don’t mind, I will just be on my way, thank you.

Rubyana:Wait! *tug*( Rubyana tugged on Sapphinia’s dress. A glint of purple showed. Sapphirinia hastily pulled it back.)

Sapphirinia: Now, AS I said, I will be on my way!! *poof!* (She threw a smoke fluff. (A smoke fluff is basically a smoke bomb with fluff around it.))

Chapter 3: Sapphirinia’s Secret

Narrator: Sapphirinia runs away into a very dark and foggy forest.

She throws her cloak on the ground. It reveals a sparkly purple dress that if you were in an airplane on a rainy day, even YOU would see it! Seriously, it’s super bright. Anyway, (this is the trouble part!! =)) she encounters….. A cute lil’ mouse!! AWW!

I mean, I know YOU would think it’s cute but…um……………

Sapphirinia, she totally freaked out. (Seriously! DON’T LAUGH.)

She has been afraid of mice since she was 5. 5. I mean, like, HOW

Could you be scared of such a----

Sapphirinia: AAAGGGHHH!!!!! *ZOOOOOOOOOM!* (She runs away.)

Narrator: ------cutie?                                                                                                                                                                                                                

(Very far from the forest.)Sapphirinia: Haah, hah, phew… I ran away from the--

*crunch!* (Narrator: An animal stepped on something. Sapphirinia hid with terror. It was…

THIS!!!                                                               AWWW!!!)

Sapphirinia runs so quickly. She plops down on her bed. (Since she ran back to the castle.)

Sapphirinia: It’s ok, Marshmallow, I’m fine.

Marshmallow: Yip! Yip! Awoo! (Trans.(Since it’s a baby…)Pway

wif mee! Pwease?) 

That’s Cupcake. She’s cute, right? (She’s only, like, 4 years old.)     This is Marshmallow. Not this.                                                                                                                                                                                     


(Narrator: I mean, technically this is a marshmallow, but Sapphirinia was talking to her pet arctic fox named Marshmallow.)

Inside Rubyana’s Castle….

(On TV)(Rubyana’s mom, the queen, and her and her daughter’s butlers were watching the news)): Hello, this is Blake Donartha broadcasting live that a red royal has gone rogue! This is Rubyana. The Ruby Queen’s daughter. Now, Rubyana, do you have something to say?

Rubyana: Well, I, KZT!, about all of that stuff, KZT!, and, well, I guess that’s it! Bye!!KZZZZZT!

 Chapter 4: The Ruby Queen’s Rage

The Ruby Queen: My own daughter BETRAYS MY orders????? We shall put an END to this NONSENSE!

Narrator: And so, Rubyana’s angered mother calls her.

Rubyana’s Phone: You have an incoming call. You have an incoming call. Your call is from your mom. Your call is from your mom.

Rubyana: Oh, what does she want? Hello, mom?

The Ruby Queen: Dear! AT HOME!!! NOW!

Rubyana: Yes mother!

Inside Rubyana’s Castle….

The Ruby Queen: Dear! HOW could you have gone OUT of the CASTLE?????

Rubyana: Well, I was just BORED mom. I was just outside of the castle because YOU were the one that DIDN’T make it FUN for me! *sniff* (Narrator: Rubyana was about to cry!)

Narrator: And so, the queen and her daughter made up.

Rubyana: Um, hey, mom? I feel like someone’s watchin’ us.

Narrator: Can they see me? *peek* *hide*

Chapter 5: Topaznia Goes Farther!

Topaznia: Welp, guess I’m never goin’ back there again. (Narrator: And with the last glance at her castle she had a single tear stream down from her face.)